Dwarf Poodles with Love
Speaking of Poodles, we have definitely lost our hearts to this elegant-looking and charming breed. Our dogs are born and raised as loved members of our family in Hamina, Finland.
Jaamme ilolla rakkautemme tähän upeaa ja eleganttiin rotuun; villakoiraan. Kasvatamme kääpiövillakoiria pienimuotoisesti Haminassa, Suomessa. Koiramme asuvat kanssamme rakastettuina perheenjäseninä. Tervetuloa sivuillemme!
All of our puppies grow as a loved members of our family. The puppies are registered and microchipped. We do our best to give them the best start for their lives.
My dream is to breed quality Dwarf Poodles in colour of apricot with the right temperament and appearance of the breed. I use only health tested parents who present the top of the breed.
It doesn’t matter the age of your dog, you’ll always receive full support from us. We want to be part of your dog’s life and know how you are doing.
There was a long way up to this, years long. Finally we found our breed: A Poodle!
Our dogs are loved members of our family and they live with us in our house in Hamina, Finland. Welcome to meet our adorable dogs!
2020 Kennel Mignonette ©